Project Partners


The Han­sea­tic Par­lia­ment is an asso­cia­ti­on of 50 cham­bers of indus­try, com­mer­ce and crafts from 13 count­ries, repre­sen­ting over 475,000 SMEs in the Bal­tic Sea regi­on. It streng­thens the eco­no­mic per­for­mance of the regi­on and pro­mo­tes SMEs in par­ti­cu­lar, with a focus on voca­tio­nal trai­ning in the EU. The head office in Ham­burg ser­ves as a ser­vice cen­ter, think tank and deve­lo­p­ment depart­ment. It deve­lo­ps sup­port mea­su­res, tests them with part­ners and dis­se­mi­na­tes them to all mem­bers. The Han­se-Par­la­ment has been in exis­tence sin­ce 1994 and ensu­res sus­tainable inter­na­tio­nal coope­ra­ti­on. In 2010, it foun­ded the Bal­tic Sea Aca­de­my, a depart­ment with 22 uni­ver­si­ties from 9 count­ries that run dual stu­dy pro­grams and rese­arch pro­jects for SMEs and pro­mo­te the trans­fer of know­ledge and inno­va­ti­on. The clo­se coope­ra­ti­on bet­ween uni­ver­si­ties, cham­bers of com­mer­ce and SMEs is used inten­si­ve­ly for pro­jects.

Landwirtschaftskammer Hamburg

The Ham­burg Cham­ber of Agri­cul­tu­re is a public cor­po­ra­ti­on and is respon­si­ble for voca­tio­nal trai­ning in agri­cul­tu­re and hor­ti­cul­tu­re. It runs a trai­ning cent­re for gar­den­ers and offers fur­ther trai­ning and exami­na­ti­ons for far­mers and gar­den­ers. The Cham­ber advi­ses agri­cul­tu­ral and hor­ti­cul­tu­ral com­pa­nies in Ham­burg and repres­ents their inte­rests vis-à-vis poli­ti­ci­ans and admi­nis­tra­tors.
With exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in dual voca­tio­nal trai­ning and pro­fes­sio­nal deve­lo­p­ment, it deve­lo­ps inno­va­ti­ve pro­gram­mes in the green eco­no­my and pro­mo­tes the imple­men­ta­ti­on of the Ger­man dual edu­ca­ti­on sys­tem in part­ner count­ries. It is sup­port­ed by qua­li­fied advi­sors and tea­chers and coope­ra­tes with exter­nal lec­tu­r­ers and hono­ra­ry com­mit­tee mem­bers.


The Häme Uni­ver­si­ty of Appli­ed Sci­en­ces (HAMK) is a mul­ti­di­sci­pli­na­ry, prac­ti­ce-ori­en­ted uni­ver­si­ty in sou­thern Fin­land with seven cam­pu­ses in the Hel­sin­ki metro­po­li­tan area. HAMK offers 27 bache­lor’s and 10 mas­ter’s degree pro­gram­mes, as well as pro­fes­sio­nal tea­cher trai­ning, 10 of which are taught in Eng­lish. With around 8,800 stu­dents and 680 employees, HAMK has a high employ­ment rate among its gra­dua­tes, with many start­ing their own busi­nesses. The uni­ver­si­ty also has an inter­na­tio­nal stu­dent body from around 65 count­ries.
HAMK has four rese­arch units: HAMK Bio, HAMK Edu, HAMK Smart and HAMK Tech, which car­ry out appli­ed rese­arch and sup­port tea­ching. Of par­ti­cu­lar note is the HAMK Bio­e­co­no­my rese­arch unit, which car­ri­es out pro­jects in the field of bio­e­co­no­my, inclu­ding cir­cu­lar eco­no­my and bio­mass recy­cling. The Mus­tia­la tea­ching and rese­arch farm, with 80 dairy cows and orga­nic plant and milk pro­duc­tion, uses modern tech­no­lo­gies such as dro­nes and sen­sors for rese­arch and tea­ching.


The Alan­ta School of Tech­no­lo­gy and Eco­no­mics, ori­gi­nal­ly foun­ded in 1940 as an agri­cul­tu­ral school, was con­ver­ted into a public edu­ca­tio­nal insti­tu­ti­on in 2004. It curr­ent­ly has over 470 stu­dents and 50 tea­chers and offers pro­gram­mes in orga­nic far­ming, agri­cul­tu­ral work, machi­ne main­ten­an­ce and envi­ron­men­tal manage­ment. In addi­ti­on to agri­cul­tu­ral stu­dies, edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gram­mes for chefs and wai­ters are also pro­vi­ded to cover the enti­re food pro­duc­tion pro­cess.
The school ope­ra­tes a bio­mass power plant for ener­gy sup­p­ly and offers prac­ti­cal trai­ning in work­shops for metal and wood­wor­king as well as agri­cul­tu­ral machi­nery. It orga­ni­s­es natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal com­pe­ti­ti­ons in trac­tor dri­ving and tech­no­lo­gy.
The Alan­ta School has exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in voca­tio­nal edu­ca­ti­on and trai­ning and has suc­cessful­ly par­ti­ci­pa­ted in EU pro­jects such as ‘Sus­tainable Far­ming’ and the ‘Agri­cul­tu­ral Sec­to­ral Prac­ti­cal Trai­ning Cent­re’. The pro­ject ‘Estab­li­shing an Agri­cul­tu­ral Prac­ti­ce Base’ is curr­ent­ly being imple­men­ted. The school has strong links with uni­ver­si­ties and rese­arch insti­tu­ti­ons in Lithua­nia, which sup­ports the dis­se­mi­na­ti­on and imple­men­ta­ti­on of pro­ject results.

Høgskulen for grøn utvikling

The HGUt is a sta­te-reco­g­nis­ed pri­va­te uni­ver­si­ty in the south-west of Nor­way, 40 km south of Sta­van­ger. It offers fle­xi­ble col­lege cour­ses in rural deve­lo­p­ment, cul­tu­ral heri­ta­ge, rege­ne­ra­ti­ve agri­cul­tu­re and com­mu­ni­ty streng­thening, with a focus on value crea­ti­on and entre­pre­neur­ship. HGUt offers the only bache­lor’s degree in inno­va­ti­on and social deve­lo­p­ment in Nor­way and pro­mo­tes the modern deve­lo­p­ment of tra­di­tio­nal skills.
The uni­ver­si­ty focu­ses on equi­ne manage­ment, mari­ti­me tra­di­ti­ons, agri­cul­tu­re and local indus­tri­al heri­ta­ge. Inter­na­tio­nal­ly, it works on the recon­s­truc­tion of his­to­ric buil­dings and deve­lo­ps sus­tainable edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gram­mes that com­bi­ne tra­di­tio­nal skills with aca­de­mic edu­ca­ti­on. HGUt has high­ly qua­li­fied staff and uses dia­lo­gue-based methods.
HGUt is a lea­der in rege­ne­ra­ti­ve agri­cul­tu­re in Nor­way and has exten­si­ve expe­ri­ence in inter­na­tio­nal pro­jects and cur­ri­cu­lum deve­lo­p­ment.

ITA Emilio Sereni

The Agri­cul­tu­ral Tech­ni­cal Insti­tu­te ‘Emi­lio Sere­ni’ in Rome is a renow­ned school of hig­her tech­ni­cal edu­ca­ti­on in Ita­ly. With over 1,200 stu­dents and staff spread across three sites, the school offers com­pre­hen­si­ve edu­ca­tio­nal pro­gram­mes in viti­cul­tu­re and oeno­lo­gy, envi­ron­men­tal and ter­ri­to­ri­al manage­ment, and food pro­duc­tion and pro­ces­sing. Tea­ching is orga­nis­ed into five levels, with the oeno­lo­gy cour­se offe­ring a sixth year.
The school com­bi­nes theo­re­ti­cal know­ledge with prac­ti­cal lear­ning to faci­li­ta­te stu­dents’ tran­si­ti­on into the world of work. This includes work-rela­ted lear­ning and intern­ships that pro­mo­te gene­ral and pro­fes­sio­nal skills. Par­ti­cu­lar atten­ti­on is paid to the green eco­no­my, with a focus on orga­nic far­ming, rene­wa­ble ener­gy and sus­tainable water use.
The school has num­e­rous inter­na­tio­nal part­ner­ships, inclu­ding pro­jects with uni­ver­si­ties in Ita­ly and Isra­el to rese­arch topics such as micro­pla­s­tics, reef bar­ri­er res­to­ra­ti­on and sus­tainable wine and oli­ve gro­wing.

Fun­ded by the Euro­pean Uni­on. Views and opi­ni­ons expres­sed are howe­ver tho­se of the author(s) only and do not neces­s­a­ri­ly reflect tho­se of the Euro­pean Uni­on or the Euro­pean Edu­ca­ti­on and Cul­tu­re Exe­cu­ti­ve Agen­cy (EACEA). Neither the Euro­pean Uni­on nor EACEA can be held respon­si­ble for them.