Further training program “modern ecological agriculture”

Our con­ti­nuing edu­ca­ti­on pro­gram in Modern Eco­lo­gi­cal Agri­cul­tu­re focu­ses on the cri­ti­cal role of eco­lo­gy in far­ming. Key com­pon­ents include far­mers’ con­tri­bu­ti­ons to cli­ma­te pro­tec­tion, sus­tainable deve­lo­p­ment, and the effi­ci­ent manage­ment of natu­ral resour­ces such as water, soil, and air. The pro­gram also empha­si­zes the pro­tec­tion of bio­di­ver­si­ty, impro­ve­ment of eco­sys­tem ser­vices, and con­ser­va­ti­on of habi­tats and land­scapes.

Given that only 7.5% of agri­cul­tu­ral land in the EU is mana­ged orga­ni­cal­ly (EP, 2018) and that at least 70% of Euro­pean far­mers lack pro­fes­sio­nal trai­ning (EP, 2017), this pro­gram addres­ses a pres­sing need. With incre­asing pres­su­re to adopt sus­tainable far­ming prac­ti­ces, our trai­ning pro­gram is desi­gned to equip far­mers with the know­ledge and skills neces­sa­ry for sus­tainable and eco-fri­end­ly agri­cul­tu­re.

This initia­ti­ve is essen­ti­al for pro­mo­ting envi­ron­men­tal­ly respon­si­ble far­ming prac­ti­ces, ensu­ring that far­mers are well-pre­pared to meet the chal­lenges of modern agri­cul­tu­re while con­tri­bu­ting to the pre­ser­va­ti­on of our natu­ral resour­ces and eco­sys­tems.

Fun­ded by the Euro­pean Uni­on. Views and opi­ni­ons expres­sed are howe­ver tho­se of the author(s) only and do not neces­s­a­ri­ly reflect tho­se of the Euro­pean Uni­on or the Euro­pean Edu­ca­ti­on and Cul­tu­re Exe­cu­ti­ve Agen­cy (EACEA). Neither the Euro­pean Uni­on nor EACEA can be held respon­si­ble for them.